A New Approach to Getting Flawless, Radiant Skin

Do you want a radiant and rejuvenated complexion, without the hassle of peeling that comes with a peel? Want to get rid of hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and even stretch marks without exfoliating and peeling off the top layer of skin? Then welcome to the new era of skin innovation with Biorevitalization. The BioRevitalization Peel, a unique breakthrough treatment, is now available at FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness.

What is the BioRevitalization Peel?

The BioRevitalization Peel is a medical-grade deep skin treatment that stimulates skin regeneration and radiance without intense exfoliation, skin trauma, or downtime.

The BioRevitalization Peel is unique in that it is technically NOT a peel, rather is a COLLAGEN BIOSTIMULANT that renews the skin like a peel, but WITHOUT the downtime, trauma, risks, and limitations of a traditional deeper peel. It promises to be among its more popular offerings, thanks to its ability to treat complexion issues without exfoliating or “peeling” the top dermal layer of the skin. 

That means clients can enjoy all the benefits of a facial peel without needing to deal with any side effects or downtime.

The BioRevitalization peel is an excellent choice for clients who wish to treat the following complexion issues:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Dull, uneven skin tone
  • Loss of skin laxity
  • Enlarged pores
  • Rough skin texture
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sluggish cellular turnover 
  • Stretch marks
  • Body rejuvenation 
  • And more

Am I A Good Candidate For the BioRevitalization Peel?

You’re a good candidate for the BioRevitalization Peel if you want to achieve a glowing, radiant complexion. The BioRevitalization Peel is a good choice for people who want the results of a stronger peel without downtime or side effects. You can use it regardless of your ethnicity, age, or skin condition. It can also be performed ANY time of year as it is not photosensitizing like other peels.

How Long Does a Typical Treatment Take?

A BioRevitalization Peel session takes about 30 minutes to perform. During your treatment session, the product will be applied to the skin until it’s fully absorbed. 2 to 5 applications are usually made in one session; after these applications, a nourishing cream is applied to the treatment area.

What Results Will I See?

Results can be seen immediately and will grow over the weeks after treatment,, with optimal results after 4 weekly sessions.  The full series is recommended to see your ideal results.

Results can include:

  • A radiant, rejuvenated complexion
  • Tighter skin on face and body
  • Less fine lines and wrinkles
  • Bright, even skin tone
  • Smooth skin texture
  • Smaller pores
  • And more

Is There Any Downtime? 

There’s no downtime associated with this treatment; most people can return to their normal activities right after their treatment session.

Take the First Step – Request A Consultation

Want to learn more about the BioRevitalization Peel, including if it’s the right choice for you? 

We encourage you to schedule a consultation at FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness online or call (248) 663-0161 for more information.


*Individual Results May Vary

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