4. Subcision and Dermal Filler Scar Treatments
Subcision is used to treat acne scarring, including pitted acne scars, surgical scars and other forms of scarring. Acne scars are caused when fibrotic strands pull the skin downward to create an indentation. Subcision involves inserting a tiny needle under the skin. The needle is moved around under the skin causing it to cut fibrotic strands, releasing tension and allowing the skin around the scar to rise. It also triggers the release of collagen, which helps to add volume to the area.
Follow up subcision with dermal filler in the scarred areas to fill out the area, creating a smooth appearance on the surface of the skin. This treatment is minimally invasive, comes with no downtime, and is an effective solution for various types of scarring.
5. PRP Scar Treatments
Plasma is one of the MOST advanced forms of skin rejuvenation to date! It comes in two forms ‑ your own plasma from your blood, and device‑based plasma (keep reading our next section to learn about it!)
Plasma is the liquid that holds the blood cells, often referred to as liquid gold. When injected or micro‑needled into the skin, it helps to stimulate collagen, accelerate healing, and even stimulate hair growth! These treatments are called PRP (platelet‑rich plasma) or PRFM (platelet‑rich fibrin matrix). PRP can be used like a dermal filler to minimize the appearance of scarring with the advantage that it’s using your own body’s material, AND it can be used safely where filler can’t, so you don’t have to worry about adverse reactions. Plus it can last up to two years!
6. Plasma Scar Treatments
The second type of plasma comes from a device, which is also real plasma. Plasma based devices can do more than any laser in existence by resurfacing, rebuilding all the tissue, and recreating elasticity all at once. Below are our favorite Plasma treatments.
Jett Plasma is the only direct‑current medical plasma device that uses real plasma and is able to pass through cell membranes. Plasma energy generates heat, warming the skin and producing a wide range of desired effects.
NeoGenPSR produces plasma inside the handpiece using a combination of nitrogen gas and ultra‑high radiofrequency to treat the whole architecture of the skin. The plasma penetrates the superficial and deeper levels of the dermis to replace damaged collagen and encourage new collagen and elastin growth.
Both of these are top of the line treatments that help reduce facial scarring. Both have some social downtime, but the results are worth the sacrifice!
7. BBL or IPL Scar Treatments
BroadBand Light (BBL) and Intense Pulsed Light are some of our favorites for treating redness and (non‑melasma based) hyperpigmentation. BBL delivers light energy to specifically target and remove pigment, instead of water, lifting out spots to create a more even complexion. 7‑10 days after treatment, you will see a reduction in discoloration, and redness, and the skin will take on a luminous appearance.
BBL also improves the quality of your skin to make it softer, clearer and smoother. It works on most skin types, and tones (except dark), making it super versatile. Both of these treatments are great for PIH and PIE. Below are some of our favorites:
Treats the skin with 4x the speed, 3x the power, and 2x the cooling capacity for maximum comfort, making it the fastest, most effective BBL treatment available on the market. Treats reds and browns, smooths the skin, helps redness from rosacea and leaves you with a flawless complexion.
One of the most effective ways to treat the brown and/or red pigmented areas on your skin.
Pro Tip: Get BBL before your laser treatment to take care of pigmentation! We love to pair it with Halo.