Smooth, touchably soft skin is the mark of youth, so it stands to reason we all want to keep that clear, radiant skin for as long as we can. FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness is pleased to help our patients stave off the signs of aging with the BBL HERO by Sciton to give you full body skin rejuvenation in just 30 minutes. Taking away your redness, brown spots, sun damage, and dull skin fast all over your body, the BBL Hero is a game changer.
Sciton is known in the cosmetic broadband light world as a leader in groundbreaking technology that improves all kinds of skin concerns, so it’s no surprise the BBL HERO is a game changer. It combines Forever Young BBL™ and Forever Body™ to deliver dramatic improvements to tone and texture, and can be used anywhere on the body. BBL stands for BroadBand Light, a form of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), and is widely considered the most powerful type of IPL. BBL HERO, which stands for High Energy Rapid Output, treats the skin with 4x the speed, 3x the power, and 2x the cooling capacity for maximum comfort, making it the fastest, most effective BBL treatment available on the market.
BBL HERO delivers light energy to the upper layers of your skin to gently heat your cells, prompting them to stimulate new cell growth to replace damaged and dead skin cells. Over time, your natural beauty is restored, and the tone and texture of your skin is smoothed and softened. BBL HERO is a non-ablative broadband light, so there is no damage to the skin, and therefore, no downtime or significant discomfort.
BBL HERO is gentle enough to work on even tanned skin, so there are few people who do not qualify for treatment. If you’re suffering with sun damage, texture or tonal irregularities, redness or rosacea, or other signs of aging, schedule a consultation at FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness to discuss your medical history and treatment options.
BBL HERO is non-ablative and gentle, so there is no discomfort involved in your treatment. It’s normal to experience some redness after treatment, but it resolves within a few hours or the next day at the latest. BBL HERO energy feels like a slight pulse of warmth, and is not at all painful. Treatment sessions are fast, as short as 5-10 minutes per treatment area, so the more areas you improve, the longer your appointment will be. BBL HERO is sometimes combined
with other procedures for maximum aesthetic improvement and customization, so the number of treatments you have depends on your specific treatment plan. You’re immediately able to return to your regular schedule with some additional aftercare instructions. Avoid direct sun exposure where possible until you’re completely recovered and use a good sunscreen to prolong your results and avoid additional skin damage.
BBL HERO is the most significant advancement to pulsed broad-spectrum light in 20 years, so it’s possible to see results after a single treatment. Improvements will continue to improve over the next week. Many patients have 2-3 treatments for cumulative results that can last weeks, months, or even longer.
Your satisfaction, comfort, and joy in your results is a priority for the FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness team. We don’t waste your time with outdated technology or advancements in skincare that isn’t truly revolutionary, which is why we’re so excited to add the Sciton BBL HERO to our practice. For the best, you that you can be, call us today.
To learn more about BBL HERO treatments, schedule an appointment by visiting FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness online or calling (248) 621-8162.
FACE Skincare~Medical~Wellness is a multi-award-winning beauty and wellness clinic, founded by skin expert Holly Cutler, also known as The Skin Saint™.
Now Serving Oakland County
FACE Skincare Medical Wellness is located in Bingham Farms, MI, and serves patients in Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Birmingham, Franklin, Northville and throughout the Detroit metro.
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