Stem Cell Facial and Oxy Plasma Facial

Non-Chemical Restoration for Eternal Youth

The next generation PRP,  Selphyl® PRFM (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix) is the foundation to our advanced Stem Cell Facial to help aging, scarring, skin tone and texture. As a more medically advanced therapy, the Stem Cell Facial uses your own growth factors with resurfacing and fractional therapy to help rejuvenate and rebuild the skin’s own collagen. Taken a step further, The Skin Saint™ developed The Oxy Plasma Facial to enhance rejuvenation using PRFM fractionated with oxygenation therapy and phototherapy. The treatment has no downtime and results are cumulative in a series of treatments. For individuals with more severely damaged skin, our laser division offers our Stem Cell VIVA™ and Secret™ RF with PRFM, both incorporating fractional radiofrequency for greater rejuvenation in scars and skin tightening. A celebrity favorite to beautiful skin!

What are the Stem Cell Facial and Oxy Plasma Facial?

Using blood plasma to heal and regenerate the body originated from Orthopedics (FDA approved) and has numerous studies substantiating the regeneration and healing of injuries and tissue repair. PRP evolved from there for the purpose of skin rejuvenation. PRP means PLATELET RICH PLASMA, where the platelet concentration is generally considered to be double the normal concentration in whole blood. Red blood cells (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC) should be removed from a PRP preparation. Some kits that tout high platelet concentrations often do so at the expense of having contaminating RBCs or WBCs and these cells are known to have inflammatory and catabolic effects, just the opposite of the desired effect. If the PRP in the syringe has any tinge of pink or red, it is most likely that you are injecting a preparation that has RBC contamination. The ideal PRP solution will be a golden, straw-like color.

The next generation PRP,  Selphyl® PRFM (Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix) is the foundation of our advanced Stem Cell Facial to help aging, scarring, skin tone and texture. As a more medically advanced therapy, the Stem Cell Facial uses your own growth factors with resurfacing and fractional therapy to help rejuvenate and rebuild the skin’s own collagen.

Exclusive to The Skin Saint™, The Oxy Plasma Facial builds upon The Selphyl® Stem Cell Facial to enhance rejuvenation using PRFM and microneedling with oxygenation therapy and phototherapy, to stimulate collagen and elastin, and plump up the skin for that untouchable red carpet glow.

Am I a Candidate?

Because PRFM is performed using your own blood, nearly anyone is a candidate. There is virtually no risk of an allergic reaction. The Selphyl® PRFM System is used to rapidly collect and isolate a patient’s own PRFM for topical or injection use and contains no animal or synthetic products.

What is a Typical Treatment Like?

Think of Selphyl® PRFM as the next generation PRP. The Selphyl® System is designed for the safe and rapid preparation of Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM) from a small sample of blood (only 10cc). Many PRP systems require operator skill, have varying results and have extensive contamination with red blood cells and white blood cells. Selphyl® removes virtually all contaminating cells and is independent of operator technique. PRP is converted to PRFM through a controlled process (mixed w/ calcium chloride in a vial) to form a fibrin matrix scaffold that serves to protect and preserve platelets, thus creating a more therapeutic rejuvenation.


  • Only 10cc of blood needed. Only system to mix w/ calcium chloride in vial to form fibrin matrix to help it last hours not minutes for more therapeutic effect
  • Only system with proprietary polyester gel to keep red and white blood cells out to prevent inflammation and catabolic effects
  • Helps scars, aging, skin tone, dark circles, and hand rejuvenation
  • Increases skin thickness by 10-12%


The Stem Cell Facial takes about 45 minutes, and the Oxy Plasma Facial is a 75-minute facial treatment.

What Results Will I See?*

Growth Factors from PRP have many benefits to rejuvenation of the skin including anti-aging, fine lines and wrinkles, blending our skin tone, improving dark circles, an overall increase in the thickness of the skin, hand rejuvenation, hair restoration, and rebuilding scars. The Plasma Facelift refers to injecting platelets versus topical application with lasers or microneedling.

Usually three to six treatments spaced two to four weeks apart on average are used. The number of treatments needed depends on each individual, the desired outcome, and your treatment plan. 

Is There Any Downtime?*

Unlike other products that are acidic (low pH), Selphyl® PRFM has close to our physiologic pH. There may be some temporary discomfort during the treatment, and redness following the treatment that resolves quickly.

What is the difference between The Stem Cell Facial and the Stem Cell VIVA?

Exclusive to FACE, the PRP Stem Cell VIVA uses fractional radiofrequency with PRFM to cause collagen contraction for a more therapeutic rejuvenation in the skin for scarring, deeper lines, and elasticity. Great for individuals with more photo-aged skin to stimulate collagen and elastin more and plump up the skin for that untouchable red carpet glow.

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FACE Beauty Science | Oakland County MI


*Individual Results May Vary

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