Chemical Peels With No Pain

The Vi Peelis the first medical peel that synergistically combines major acids in a pain-free formulation, launching the next generation of chemical peels

What is the Vi Peel?

VI Peels are a safe, effective approach to achieving younger looking skinand is safe for all skin types. See significant reversal of sun damage, hyperpigmentation including melasma, acne & acne scarring, and aging skin.

Am I a Candidate?

All skin typescan enjoy the Vi Peel including darker skin types such as some Asian and Latin skin that can experience anti-aging and restorative skincare that was previously unavailable.

What is a Typical Treatment Like?

You will feel a slight stinging sensationfor a few seconds which subsides completely almost immediately. The peel is applied topically, numbing of the skin takes place after the first pass.

What Results Will I See?*

Using scientifically proven ingredients that correct skin problems at the cellular level, while adding many acids and Vitamins, the Vi Peel will help erase fine lines and wrinkles, shrink enlarged pores and build collagen and elastin. It is extremely effective with hyperpigmentationincluding melasma, and for people with acne.

One VI Peel will achieve a significant renewal of healthy tissue and give a radiant glow. For sun-damaged skin and acne, more peels may be needed. Once desired results are achieved, many people have3-4 Vi Peelsto maintain the youth of the skin.

Is There Any Downtime?*

The skin will look slightly tan to red or orangeimmediately after the peel. After it absorbs, it’s not very noticeable, and makeup can be applied four hours after application. On days one and two the skin will feel slightly tighter to you, although no signs will be present to others that you had a peel. Any pigmented areas might appear slightly darker, which is a good sign. 

The skin will begin peeling typically on day threeand generally be finished by the end of day four or five.  With the precision add-on peel, people can expect an extra day of peeling and more intense flaking.

How is the VI Peel different from other peels?

It used to be believed, the deeper the peel, the better the results. VI Peel is the first next-generation peel that has no pain, little social downtime, and laser-like resultsin just days.

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*Individual Results May Vary